

Thank you, I have already told in our Chess Federation's home page, that visiting your Tournament is very good choice for chess in Summer!

Greetings from Tampere.

Jaakko Mäntyniemi & die Frau, Anna-Kaisa
President of Finnish Chess Federation

I was invited to the second International Chess Holiday in Cesky Brod in 1991 (the first one took place in 1968). My wife, my two sons and I arrived at Cesky Brod in July and we were treated like celebrities. Prof. Pelikan was extremely kind to us an I will never forget that he arranged a birthday party for David, my youngest son, when he turned 13.

As a return "gesture" I promised him to tell the chess players in my district (south west of Sweden) about this fantastic tournament.

During the years since then I have arranged chess trips to Cesky Brod and Prague for approximately 60 to 70 different Swedish chessplayers, wifes, girlfriends and sometimes even relatives and a lot of them have, just like me, become "Stammgasts". I have an ongoing competition with the Schoenmakers from Holland - we have joined the tournament 22 times(!) and we will be back for the 23:rd this year.

As a matter of fact The International Chess Holiday (Jaroslav Pelikan´s Memorial) has become one of the high lights every summer. My friends and I feel like we belong to a wonderful chess family or community as soon as we join our Czech hosts consisting of Jindra and her organization. The words "Gens una sumus" couldn´t be more true. We are longing for July 2013!

Peter Dalling, the STAMMGAST

Summer Christmas

Jiří Voráč 2011

Every summer in Prague, a great event takes place
conceived by Professor Pelikan
no sooner can you hear the little bell in the room
than ( so called) silent fools come
however they are old acquaintances
and the whole year they are looking forward to this meeting
then with uncompromising expression of fighters
they start to play a six-day tournament

Let´s please meet Mrs.Hana
who, with Mrs.Jindra, from the early morning
till the latest hour at night
works with dedication to help all of us
and the other Mrs.Jindra is here
for those who speak English
this female team wouldn´t be complete
if we didn´t mention Mrs.Irena
and a mistake would be made
if Miss Bára didn´t join the team

However, the list of leading parts is not finished yet
as here are other our acquaintances – arbiters,
right-minded, honest, fair,
knowing all black and white rules
they judge what is right
Mr. Miloš, Mr.Richard, Mr.Jan and others

A chess player, as it was documented,
makes about four hundred moves,
but guess who has to make
many times more moves – ten thousands?
And none of them can be missed
Who made a right guess that knows
the name of the boy sitting at PC all day
Martin, it´s clear

So, you should be familiar now, with those
who play leading roles and who,
as I would like to emphasize,
deserve – they all – the first prize.

Anyway, if you have a look around
you will see a lot of prizes waiting for chess players
– but these prizes are presents in fact – it´s Christmas
and even though no snowing can be expected
we like waiting for these moments
and looking forward to the week of miracles and understanding
to great people, nice time and treatment
and before we part again, we wish to say: to all mentioned persons



International Chess Holiday

26.07. – 02.08.2025   02.08. – 09.08.2025
Prague Prague

Entry page
