26.07. – 02.08.2025 02.08. – 09.08.2025
Tournaments for strong and weak chessplayers, both men and women of all ages. Closed groups and each consists of 10 players. Money or souvenir prizes for all chessplayers (80 000 CZK ca 3200 EUR). A rich programme for chess players and non-chessplayers, too.
Founder of the International Chess Holiday:
Jaroslav Pelikán /1927-1997/ was one of the tireless chess organizers in the Czech Republic who devoted his time and most of his energy mainly to young people. He was living in a town in Central Bohemia, in Cesky Brod and he was working there. He was a teacher of foreign languages and later he became a headmaster of a grammar school. He participated in the organization of Grand Prizes which were very popular in the 60s and 70s. Under the leadership of Mr. Pelikan the chess team of Cesky Brod won the prize of Zajecice several times since 1964. It was the prize of Czech chess championship. Under his leadership a small town with population of 5,000 people had the team which took part in very important tournaments of chess league. But the best achievement of the last period of his life was the organization of International Chess Holiday where closed tournaments took place. We can say that it is a real world rarity.
We prepare special entertaining programmes for the participants of the tournaments as well as for all the other guests.